Easiest Zero Waste Tip for Beginners – Your First Tip to Get Started on Your Zero Waste Journey

The easiest zero waste tip that’s so simple it seems almost silly but it truly WORKS! If you are just starting out on your zero waste journey, here is one easy trick that will drastically cut down on your waste creation.

We’ll keep this short and sweet. Ready for it?

Downsize to a smaller trash can.

easiest zero waste tip for beginners

So easy right? It’s pretty typical for American households to have a huge “kitchen size” trash can. Simply switching to a smaller trash receptacle can make you SO much more conscious of the waste you’re creating. Not only that, but you will quickly become aware of what exactly you’re throwing away. You’ll think twice about that giant polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) to-go container that takes up your entire trash can. You will be faced with all of the unnecessarily packaged produce you’ve been buying at the grocery store. You may also come to terms with what you’re eating “Oh look, the trash is full of wrappers from snack foods again!” Soon you’ll find yourself making healthier, package-free choices.

Yes, you will find yourself taking the trash out more frequently, but it will keep your home smelling awesome. Plus if you don’t like taking out the trash, you’ll think twice before making so much waste. You’ll also start to think about how some of the items you’re about to toss could be re-purposed, rather than thrown away.

Did you switch to a smaller trash can? What were your experiences? Share your trash-cutting tips on our Facebook page !

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XOXO, Eco Girl



